
Chinese Firefox Toddlers

I have decided, there are a few things in life, that everyone should be able to enjoy: Chinese Food, Firefox, and Asian Toddlers. Now the title, (the thing above the entry) is a conglomerate of the three, but I'm not sure whether I would like the item described in the title.
Chinese Food = God. It's true. It's salty, sweet, spicy, and umami (yah, it's a real taste). Also, it's like, just perfect. On a bad day (which there always seems to be an abundance of), nothing can fix that more than Chinese food (or maybe ice cream... but EVERYONE knows that). Seriously, there is something about Chinese food, in its massive aray of flavors, and textures, that makes a blogger (especialy this one) salivate.
Firefox = Demi God. You're reading this now. Are you on Firefox? no? NO!!!??? Why the heck not! Firefox is the safest, fastest, funnest, amazingest, web browser EVER! And best of all its fully customizable. With awesome addons (which are free... duh) you can totally make your browsing more efficient. Like on addon called Hyperwords, which allows you to pretty much allows you to search (google, dictionary, wikipedia, or even TRANSLATE!) all the words on a page with a click. Firefox is free. you NEEEED to get it. NOW! You won't forget it. If you click here, then you can have it, and it will be awesome! (or click here.) or here. not here. HERE!
Asian Toddlers = Adorable Gods. Ever seen the show John and Kate Plus 8? I'm in love with it. My heart is filled with those kids. They are adorable! Because they're asian. Asians rule the world. They rule the world in everthing. Electronics, sports.... So it makes sense in the natural progression of society, that asians would control the adorable factor too.
I geuss (after writing this) if they could get Aaden Gosselin to eat chinese food while on Firefox, I would enjoy it... a little.
So by now you're probably hungry. So go out! Get some Chinese food, may I suggest some lo mein? And come back and read more tommorow (well... sunday... I don't blog on saturday)


Sara said...

I'm on Firefox right now, AND I love Chinese food and Asian toddlers!


Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.