

In my life, I have never truly witnessed a true fail. Sure, my friends and I will often use the verb (noun, adj?) but never in really really epic failure spots. But yesterday, at the 2008 Olympics in Bejing (hope you already knew these things) after Michael Phelps Epic win (set a world record, and subsequently a World Record) he stood up on the podium to claim his prize!
A man came over the PA "Représentez svp l'hymne national américain, Please Stand For the American National Anthem, 请代表美国国歌" So everyone did as they were told, and they stood up and prepared for the anthem.
Now there were a LOT of famous people in the audience... Well, at least President Bush Was there, so like, yah, things should have been prefect.
But! they weren't.
First, you may want to watch it. So click this link. Right.................. here!
Okay, I'd like you to hum the National Anthem to yourself right now.... it's ok, if anyone asks just say you were feeling extremely patriotic today. Ok, you've done it? Did you realize you hummed the same thing twice? In the Begining? ok, well, in the Olympic Version (which is only instrumental) first they cut out the "o' say can you" part of it. THEN, they played that part where its supposed to go twice (like you've now discovered) THREE times! Then!!!! They Cut of "the land of the free and the home of the brave!" Everyone had a good laugh and shook it off. But i think, this gives me complete right to say:

Anthem Fail!!!

Click on any of these words for more fails.

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