
Super Sandals!

Addidas. For a long long long time, has been the maker of wonderful three striped items. Recently I received through the mail (it wasn’t a surprise or anything. I ordered them. This was no case of a drive by shoe delivery. Although I guess technically it was... anyways...) a pair of SSG2's, of course standing for Super Star Generation 2. These are the most amazing super duper pair of mandals in the world! Why you may ask? (go ahead ask it so I can answer) Why? I’ll tell you why. Because their made out of FIT FOAM! What is fit foam you ask?...... Well imagine a Temperpedic Mattress plus A Cloud plus Care Bear Guts. Put that all underneath you feet and you’ve got my new shoes.

Now you may be thinking, All of this softness going to waste on the smelliest (maybe second smelliest) part of your body? No. You should be ashamed. Can you imagine how angry your podiatrist would be with you right now?! How could you think such a thing? You... fiend!

Giving your feet the luxury they deserve is important. Let’s be honest, your not exactly what one would call... thin. And think of all that weight your pour little feetsies have to put up with!? You owe it to them to give them a break.

The Addidas SSG2 Flipflops provide the right amount of comfort with the perfect customized support. And for the low price of 30-35 dollars, you could buy two shoes for the cost of two Steel Plated Sharpies (gotta love foreshadowing!). It’s really a no-brainer. Buy these shoes Today! (or tomorrow, I really don’t care at all).

P.S. In Preparedness for NNAD (National Narcissist Appreciation Day) I went to my school's library yesterday and took a cheap online personality disorder test. Sadly, I learned that I'm moderately Anti-social and Avoidant. Completely Distraught I texted all my friends and proceeded to walk around telling complete strangers I'd never met before about my ordeal...

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