
Have you heard about...

Today I discovered quite probably the most interesting, addictive (to others...) terribly commercial, thing ever in the history of the planet. That of course being WebKinz, a company whose goal is clearly to take over the world.
Here's how it works. One girl, we'll call her Tiffany, sees a commercial for WebKinz. She thinks to herself, "Wow, I have a bunch of worthless stuffed animals, but none that can let me play games online!" So she buys one, and names it Fluffy. She goes online to the website, pays whatever fees are involved with the account, and plays a bunch of crappy games. Tiffany has a friend named Shafawnda. Shafawnda sees Tiffany playing this crappy games and thinks, "Wow cool! I have a bunch of worthless stuffed animals, but none that make me pay for another one every year I own it!"
That's right, according to the WebKinz FAQ page, "At the end of the year, you can adopt a new pet onto your Webkinz World account. This will renew your account and all the Webkinz pets on it for one more year. Each time you adopt a new Webkinz pet, your account will be extended for a year from the date of adoption. Please note that the years are not cumulative." (http://www.webkinz.com/us_en/faq_parents.html)
So now not only is your child going to want another worthless stuffed animal, they're going to want another one, every f-in year!
Now Shafawnda, what she doesn't realize, is if she just used a little bit of her brain power (it's in there, I promise you) she could've found these games ANYWHERE else on the web, for f-f-free!
Ladies and Gentlemen, I beg you, do NOT buy WebKinz for yourself or your children. By doing so you would be helping WebKins meet their goal: To destroy the world, one cute cuddly stuffed animal at a time.

To the WebKinz Company: Don't Shoot the Messenger.

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