

It's only noon, and I already know that today is going to be a crazy awesome (and massively delicious?) day, because just a few minutes ago I ordered the one, the only, Pizza Hut P'Zone.
Now in case you don't know what a P'Zone is, let me explain. Although I have never had one, the commercials make it look like the culinary experience of a life time. A P'Zone is a pizza, wrapped in itself. It is the crust, then inside OVER A POUND of cheesey topping goodness (according to the commercials about 1.7 pounds.)
I went with three of the most perfect topping of all time. Those of course being Peppers, Onions, and Mushrooms. This trifecta of toppingness is commonly refered to as "Heaven, on a Pie." If you're lucky, you'll get the sweet crunch of the pepper, the bitter kind of spicy crunch of the onion, and the squishy deliciousness of the onion. Each topping by itself would be enough, but all together, it's a meal to die for (I hope I don't.)
Now that your tastebuds are going crazy, I get to the sad part of this P'Zoning day. I must wait another 40 minutes for this experience. So now I bid the fare well, until the P'Zonin gets done.

In Tomorrows Blog I will (possibly) Explain the Amazingness of the Onion.

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