
Foreign Langauges

There's something about hearing two or more human beings conversing in complete gibberish that is appealing to me. I sit there and say to my self "self, why can't we speak a foreign language?" I mean, I've been taking french for five years, German for three, and basically I can say hello my name is in both (but in french I also know the names of a few cheeses and soups).
Technically (with a capital T, A, L, L,) I do speak a foreign language. But everyone (everyone) speaks English. Some people speak it better than others, (I happen to be fairly proficient)but there is almost no where in the world I can confidently speak English, and say innappropriate comments about others without them from understanding (with the exception of remote areas where there is no one else. But if there is no one to insult without them understanding, then what is the point at all?)
So I'm starting to try to learn sign language. I know the alphabet, so I can say everything and anything. Problem is, that it's slow. I also know a few basic sentences such as "I am going to a party" "I am going to a jew party" "I am going to a Jewish Mother Party" "I am going to the bathroom" "I am going to the bathroom party." That's basically it. I also know sunrise, sunset (or at least the way they told us to do it for a song in second grade),and applause. But even this language there are others in the world that know it.
So that's why I'm learning a made up sign language. I know all 26 letters in it and even numbers (but the numbers are super complicated and kind of annoying). My plan is to use this language, to travel the world, and comment on people's ugliness and what not.

How often do you use the backspace button? Remove it and then answer that question.


Mark Stoessel said...

Oh no, a language gap!

Mdawg Millionaire said...

you havent updated in awhile :/
hope you are feeling better!

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