
Ice breakers

Ice breakers work to a very limited degree. One problem with breaking the ice of a group is that often you come away only knowing trivial things about groupmates. The following is a suggestion of a few, historically successful friendship creators.

1. Set up a large table with food in a room. Lock the door. Begin.
2. Bring group into a room, turn down lights, turn on romantic music, hand out condoms, begin.
3. Hand out knives to half of the group, and say that the other half has the plague and is investing their water supply. Lock door. Begin
4. Lock two people in a room. Begin

Basically, anytime you lock a door you create lasting friendships. So forget the icebreaking games and get down to business!

1 comment:

m said...

J, your posts are quite entertaining, but the spelling mistakes... tsk tsk