
Minor League Baseball

Today I went to see a minor league baseball game. It was honestly one of the most depressing things you could imagine. 9 innings of men playing half-heartedly a game that they love with their full heart. You could really see how many of the players had given up, and were never making it to the bigs. And they're paid almost nothing to go around playing this sport, hoping one day they'll make it to the MLB.
The MiLB fans (just a second to comment on the Acronym. Honestly Minor League Baseball? You guy's are the Milb? Too close to Milf in my opinion. Also kinda sounds like a very viscous fluid. "I got Milb everywhere it was a disaster!" "There goes Veronica. She's such a Milb!") are even sadder. No one cares about the game, and half of the people don't know what's going on. At a MLB game, even though a majority of the fans still could care less about the action, they get excited by the fans who do know what's going on. Here it's only the drunk guys who get into. Everyone else is just thinking "Wow! Look at that homerun! It would have been really cool if it was hit by someone making a Phone Number for a salary. But this no-name minor leaguer? I could care less!"
The only saving grace for the game I went to today, was the first base umpire (who also happened to be the second base and third base umpire). The guy was really into it. While a simple "foul ball" would suffice, he was flailing his arms, jumping up and down, shouting at the top of his lungs. If you didn't know it was a foul ball you were blind and deaf. Even low flying planes saw his signals. If everyone in the MiLB would take the game as seriously as that umpire, the game could be more exciting. As it is, it's about as fun as a glass of spilled MiLB.

Thought of the day:
I wish that Starbucks had less options. I go there, and they ask me thirty million questions just for me to get an iced coffee. "Want that regular?" "Caramel?" "Sweetened?" "Liquid sweetner?" "flavor shots?" And another thing, do they think their being fancy because they use strange names for sizes? I think it's annoying. What's your thought?

1 comment:

Jason K said...

Now links open in new tab! yippee!